Commodity Trader Archive

The newest version of the game is here.

This page will let you play older versions of the game.
Not all options listed are relevant for all versions.
Click here to see what changes were made in which versions.
In general, the newer versions of the game should work
with more browsers, but at least Netscape 4 or
IE 4 are still preferred.

Set Up Options
City Names
Random Events
Version: 1.0 1.1 1.21 1.31 2.0
what's the difference?

Please note that this is a javascript game.
You currently have javascript enabled.

No warranties are given regarding whether this game
will work on your browser or computer.
If it crashes, don't try to play it.

© 1998 Michael Leikam

Choose names for your cities 
and the commodities you want 
to trade.  Then hit the start 
new game button.  This will 
launch a new game window.

  ********** TIPS **********

Manage your transport capacity.
Regardless of whether you are 
using it, there is a one dollar
charge per unit of capacity.

The bank will charge you 4%
Interest and give you 2% on
any positive balance you 

When you use the banking
and transport screen, make
sure that you remember to
close it.

Cheating is entirely possible
if you like to play that way.